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TP3659 - Hartwith
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Damaged Damaged
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North Yorkshire
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW

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There are 87 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 5861st with 57 other trigs (more).
Has a mean score of 5.52/10 (from 63 logged visits)
Was First logged: 1st Apr 1999
Was Last found intact: 23rd Feb 2004
Was Last logged: 8th Jun 2024

Of the 63 logged visits,
23 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 104m
The average error was 23m
3 were exact

G1XJO G1XJO bettyb bettyb slateloose slateloose beckroad beckroad manonabike manonabike Tonka Tonka AndyBingley AndyBingley srichy20 srichy20 clochandighter clochandighter dogwalking dogwalking devsam10 devsam10 The RockKnocker The RockKnocker Mickandkim Mickandkim sykesfamily sykesfamily CJO CJO Ed Ed Hands Hands caroleengel caroleengel Border Peat Border Peat chrisbrearley chrisbrearley pendlelill pendlelill wrose wrose Cerridwen Cerridwen Hartwith Hartwith [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Logged Visits:

Damaged 8th Jun 2024  11:17  by WuzzerL

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 9/10

beautiful location for the pillar so sad to see it in that condition


Damaged 8th Jun 2024  11:16  by Pritch227

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

no parking to the sw,parked opp church in hartwith in the carpark ,nice stroll through sheep and cows to the damaged pillar,excellent views


Damaged 28th May 2024  09:18  by purpleskull

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Damaged  Score: 9/10


Damaged 21st Feb 2024  18:53  by Ed

Gridref: SE 21083 61013   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Damaged 9th Jul 2023  11:53  by devsam10

Gridref: SE 21082 61011   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 6/10

Damaged 4th May 2023  14:17  by Ian Robinson

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Damaged  Score: 7/10

Walked from Hartwith village trying to avoid the very energetic cows racing up and down the fields. As others have mentioned the pillar is in poor condition which is a shame for such a lovely location

Damaged 8th May 2022  14:11  by MickSan

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 3/10


Damaged 8th May 2022  14:09  by The Trudges

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 3/10

From roadside short hike up the fields shame when you get to it someone's left it in this sad condition, Such a shame to see a trig in a great location with top views left like this because someone wants a souvenir and spoils it for the rest of us

Flush Bracket ©The Trudges
Top of Trig with spider removed©The Trudges
View from pillar©The Trudges

Not Logged 13th Apr 2022  00:00  by Ronaldo333

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Damaged 29th Mar 2022  12:23  by beckroad

Gridref: SE 21000 61000   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 6/10

Approached from the north parking on a grass verge near Edge Nook. Followed the bridleway passing the Old Vicarage and Prospect Farm. Interesting disused quarry in lush green field. Pillar situated near gorse and slightly elevated ground. Trig is severely damaged more likely vandalism than weathering. The metal spider has gone. Low cloud limited our view.

Pillar at Hartwith Severely damaged©beckroad

Damaged 15th Jan 2022  14:00  by Tonka

Gridref: SE 21080 61010   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 7/10

Misty, foggy day

Flush Bracket
TP in the mist

Damaged 14th Jan 2022  12:43  by Cerridwen

Gridref: SE 21146 60997   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Rather crumbly


Damaged 9th Nov 2021  13:20  by FrankR

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Damaged  Score: 7/10

Not Logged 22nd Oct 2021  16:14  by dharris

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 4/10

Not Logged 22nd Oct 2021  16:14  by COVID Trig Point Challenge

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 4/10

Damaged 10th Oct 2021  17:09  by AndyBingley

Gridref: SE 21080 61010   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Trigpoint in a very sorry state. Reasonable views.

Damaged 4th Nov 2020  12:49  by theposhbloke

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Damaged  Score: 6/10

Damaged 15th Sep 2020  13:17  by blackboot29

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Damaged 4th Jul 2020  17:00  by BasilDowl

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 6/10

Managed to park up on the lush grass verge in Hartwith, and had a lovely little stroll down to the pillar. Had to carefully walk through a lot of sheep, but was pleasantly surprised to see the pillar largely unchanged from my previous visit. I hadn't expected it to survive, but it is hanging on in there. You'd suspect a really harsh winter might finish it off, mind. Pillar #28 for my little companion.

The pillar
Damage (1)
Damage (2)
Damage (3)
Damage (4)
Damage (5)
The flush bracket
The top of the pillar (1)
The top of the pillar (2)
The top of the pillar (3)
Pillar #28 for my little companion :) ©BasilDowl

Damaged 27th Jun 2020  08:38  by MC4334

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Damaged  Score: 3/10

Dropped off on the B6165 and I ran up the FP. This was the first of 5 I visited that day so a fleeting visit. no parking along that road, so consider a longer walk in.

Damaged 2nd Jul 2019  15:43  by Andy West

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Damaged 12th May 2019  13:00  by bettyb

Gridref: SE 21000 61000   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Damaged 26th Mar 2019  00:00  by dogwalking

Gridref: SE 21081 61012   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 4/10

parked in summerbridge followed prow to the pillar with slight detour then back by side of the river nidd nice circular walk

Damaged 24th Mar 2019  12:57  by G1XJO

Gridref: SE 20978 61000   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

poorly state

Damaged 2nd Mar 2019  13:30  by BasilDowl

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 4/10

If anyone hasn't visited this one yet, I'd advise them to do so ASAP. It is in a sorry state, sadly. The spider has gone, and the whole top is crumbling away. There are long, deep cracks throughout the structure, with fresh pieces surrounding the base. We visited on a clear, if grey, day and it was such a shame to see that it has very recently suffered serious (possibly fatal) damage. I can't tell if this is weather or vandalism, but it's surely not long for this world.

Approaching The view on approach, through the gorse
Top The top has crumbled completely
Facing Including the debris field(!)
Bracket Intact
Cracks Look closely, and there are deep cracks throughout. The concrete has failed.
Debris Obviously recent, from the coloration, lack of weathering/vegetation etc.

Damaged 24th Dec 2017  09:56  by paulxtr

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 6/10

Parked by St. Jude's Church to NE of trig and followed paths to trig field. Low cloud spoiled the view.

Hartwith ©paulxtr

Damaged 7th Dec 2017  10:25  by Hands

Gridref: SE 21083 61015   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 3/10

Parked in the entrance to Manor Farm Caravan Site and followed the Bridleway up the fields and across to the Trig which sits in an area of gorse bushes and stone blocks. the trig has damage to its top and sides , a plastic cap and one open sight hole, FB-218 view mainly to south of the Nidd valley,


Damaged 29th Oct 2016  10:50  by rupertal

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Damaged 22nd May 2016  13:24  by Earby Rambler

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 8/10

Got to Summerbridge via bus,Transdev X43 Witch Way to Grassington/Stephensons of Easingwold 812 Fountains Flyer to Pateley Bridge/Transdev 24 Harrogate bus.On a £10 Day tripper Dales Rover ticket another BARGAIN day out.I had a pint of Cider Reserve in the Flying Dutchman whilst waiting for bus back to Pateley Bridge.

Damaged Trig

Damaged 19th Mar 2016  07:43  by srichy20

Gridref: SE 21087 61004   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 2/10

a quick stop and dash over the Moor from the main road just before Somerbridge. a bit more mud that anticipated.


Damaged 7th Sep 2015  07:46  by THE CYCLIST

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

quick zip along roads from Brimham Rocks to Hartwith. Followed ROW then slight diversion. Appears to be of poor construction - multiple cracks and major chunks missing from water ingress and frost damage.

Damaged 31st May 2015  14:40  by jamiekeighley

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Damaged  Score: 6/10

Parked just inside entrance to Caravan Park, good pot for parking and up the hill. Decent spot, trig in very bad shape.


Damaged 2nd May 2015  11:40  by pendlelill

Gridref: SE 21087 61011   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

easy walk from road. parked inside entrance to caravan park. badly eroded. plastic plug. decent views.

trig showing damage

Damaged 29th Jun 2014  12:00  by trigofthedump

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 6/10

Damaged 8th Jun 2014  12:00  by CJO

Gridref: SE 21083 61012   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Plastic cap. Concrete damage some old signs of repair.


Damaged 29th Mar 2014  10:12  by The RockKnocker

Gridref: SE 21082 61011   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

After doing a drive by visit of Sone Beds Pillar i parked the car in Darley at SE2108259366 and followed the footpath to the bridge that crosses the river Nidd, then me and Rocky walked through Throstle Nest and on to the triangulation pillar, lots of fog today wich was a pity.

Bridge Bridge over the River Nidd @ SE2116159733
The RockKnocker at the Trig Foggy today, no views !
Rocky at the trig. Rocky at Hartwith Pillar.
Near the Trig ! Dry stone walls near the pillar have seen better days.

Not Logged 9th Mar 2014  11:31  by chrisbrearley

Gridref: SE 21084 61014   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Damaged 2nd Sep 2013  10:18  by slateloose

Gridref: SE 21000 61000   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 7/10

Looks like someone has tried the Topple this one.Easy access from R.O.W.

Damaged 9th Aug 2013  18:55  by clochandighter

Gridref: SE 21082 61010   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

HISTORY: Pillar completed 29th March 1954 costing £15.7s.11d. Computed as tertiary triangulation station SE38/T41 in 1955. Levelled for height also in 1955. Last maintained by the OS in March 1975. SITE VISIT: Approached from northeast. Parked in recess on south side of Stripe Lane by bend at SE220610. Walked ~250m NW up lane to mapped RoW keeping to that until SE212613 then turning SW following boundary lines to trig. Located in grazing field. Pillar damaged. Has suffered numerous blows from something, mainly nearer the top. Repairs have been undertaken but these have since weathered off. Spider centre capped with grey plastic disc fitted by Jon Rouse, 6/07/2003. Flush bracket faces southwest, ~212°. Vented through NW sight hole. 157° panorama spanning clockwise from SSE to NW.

S7662 - Hartwith & GRP

Damaged 2nd Jan 2012  15:12  by Paulus66

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 6/10

I can see this Trig from my front garden but this was my first visit. A blustery and boggy half-mile walk over fields from Chapel Lane in Hartwith. Top of trig badly eroded. Plastic Plug. I suppose technically a minor trespass but a ROW crosses the far side of the same field and there are no properties within close sight of the Trig so only the sheep will know ! Good views over central Nidderdale.

Damaged 7th Oct 2011  11:38  by Border Peat

Gridref: SE 21084 61014   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 9/10

parked as others crossed road to small gate walk up field keeping wall to your left, through another gate then across to trig

S7662©Border Peat

Damaged 11th Sep 2011  20:12  by painterman61

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 6/10

Done on way home from fishing match 79 lbs 6oz 4th place prize,walked up from road following PROW trig badly damaged at top end plastic plug good views.

trig ©painterman61
Damaged top ©painterman61
top ©painterman61
fb ©painterman61

Damaged 23rd Aug 2011  13:30  by PeteBoggs

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Not in great condition - looks like someone has attemted to repair it at some time


Damaged 26th Feb 2011  09:30  by Mickandkim

Gridref: SE 21082 61011   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 6/10

Parked on lane to caravan park,crossed busy road and head up ROW to trig.Trig requires repair or will soon be lost

Damaged 28th Nov 2010  00:00  by caroleengel

Gridref: SE 21083 61015   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Damaged 6th Sep 2010  09:27  by wrose

Gridref: SE 21084 61016   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 6/10

Visible and easily accessible from nearby footpath without needing to climb over anything. Pillar has certainly seen better days. The errosion of the pillar would suggest a poor aggregate mix. Anyway, it is still there and is an excellent view point.

S7662 Hartwith Pillar.
S7662 Hartwith Flush Bracket.
S7662 Hartwith Plug.

Damaged 17th Jul 2010  16:25  by bluebeard

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 7/10

Damaged 8th Mar 2010  13:55  by wanderer

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 6/10

Damaged 3rd Feb 2010  11:20  by Mr T. P. Bagger

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 7/10

This trig point is indeed in a sorry state. A great bite has been taken out of the pillar just below the top and it looks terminal! A great pity otherwise I might well have adopted it(as I did with Heyshaw Moor) and given it a coat of paint. I can after all see it from home!

Hartwith Trig Point looking north

Damaged 28th Aug 2009  16:05  by BILLY COO

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10


Damaged 4th Apr 2009  11:29  by John Riley

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Nice setting amongst the gorse bushes. Visited on way to Brimham Rocks with family. Badly damaged but top still hanging on.

Hartwith General view with gorse bushes.
Hartwith Showing damage to top part of trig.
Hartwith Flush bracket.

Damaged 22nd Mar 2009  17:02  by Aye Jimmy

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Trig top in a sorry state.

Hartwith Trig badly damaged.
Hartwith Top of trig.
Hartwith The FB.

Damaged 12th Nov 2007  10:30  by sleepwalker

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Approached along the footpath from the B6165.

Damaged 5th Sep 2007  15:38  by Theo D Lite

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 7/10

Good views south across a lovely area. Ouch! that poor trig.

Damaged 30th Jan 2007  12:36  by sykesfamily

Gridref: SE 21080 61014   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 6/10

Extensive damage to the top of the trig. Botched repairs. Nice location and lovely views of the Nidd Valley.

Hartwith Trig Shooting Practice?©sykesfamily
Hartwith Trig A little light on top!©sykesfamily
Hartwith Trig Flush Bracket ©sykesfamily
Hartwith Trig Close up damage©sykesfamily
Hartwith Trig Nice views©sykesfamily

Damaged 18th Mar 2006  12:00  by iainmac

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 6/10

Has just about been decapitated.


Damaged 2nd Oct 2005  12:00  by peregrinus

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 7/10

plastic cap, pillar breaking up, FB intact, recent amateur-looking repair, apparently with neat cement grout, rough pasture, lovely view

Montaged by Jon Rouse ©peregrinus

Damaged 14th May 2005  12:00  by rad

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Easy to get to across sheep fields. Pretty badly damaged and badly repaired.

Hartwith Pillar ©rad
Hartwith Flush Bracket ©rad
Hartwith Damage ©rad
Hartwith View South ©rad
Hartwith View West ©rad

Damaged 18th Jun 2004  22:25  by Trigger

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Please note condition of pillar as per ted's log.

Damaged 3rd Apr 2004  15:30  by ted

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 8/10

Trig is now badly eroded at top; one corner missing, two ends of spider exposed. Numerous small cracks towards base. Located amongst gorse bushes; easy access. Good views towards upper Nidderdale

Good condition 23rd Feb 2004  21:24  by stonestreaker

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

old log...

Not Logged 23rd Mar 2002  15:33  by manonabike

Gridref: SE 21000 61000   FB Number: S7662  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Damaged 1st Apr 1999  14:36  by vegibagger

FB Number: S7662  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

The TrigpointingUK database is owned and maintained by Ian Harris (Teasel). The TrigTools pages are provided by Barry Hunter. Contact us.