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TP4355 - Langstone
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Flush Bracket :
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW
LangstoneSU31/T95SU31T095468495.8299855.400.0003PILLAR01/06/194201Dest 10/45

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There are 36 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 16671st with 99 other trigs (more).
Has a mean score of 4.61/10 (from 41 logged visits)
Was First logged: 5th May 2003
Has never been found intact
Was Last logged: 30th Jun 2024

Of the 41 logged visits,
3 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 111m
The average error was 77m
The closest was 7m

SOUTHSEA SOUTHSEA Copnor Church Dome Copnor Church Dome Eastney Barracks Tower Eastney Barracks Tower Eastney Barracks Tower Flagstaff Eastney Barracks Tower Flagstaff Asylum Spire Asylum Spire Eastern Road Eastern Road Salterns Salterns South Hayling South Hayling Mickandkim Mickandkim meandmymum meandmymum Woodleywalker Woodleywalker Langstone Langstone [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Selection of photos for this Pillar.

By Nekyram
Langstone Pillar
By nine_milesperhour
Langstone Pillar
By nine_milesperhour


It’s still gone!
By DaveWilcock
Hungry starlings!
By widget
See 29 more in the album.

Logged Visits:

Toppled 30th Jun 2024  15:05  by Nekyram

FB Number: S2699  Condition: Toppled  Score: 7/10

Arrived at parking spot to find a load of shingle had been dumped last week after talking to some locals parked there. After ‘prodding’ with a rod then a coffee decided to have a dig .an hour well spent!

Dug out to find faceplate

Toppled 11th May 2024  11:30  by Fraggle69

FB Number: S2699  Condition: Toppled  Score: 5/10

Toppled 8th May 2024  14:55  by nine_milesperhour

FB Number: S2699  Condition: Toppled  Score: 6/10

As of 8th May 2024 it is visible again ! A recent combination of storm and high tide has removed most of the pesky shingle that had been covering the pillar. At the moment only the base and half of a side are visible, but luckily that's the side that contains the flush bracket.

Langstone Pillar
Langstone Pillar

Toppled 26th Mar 2024  09:47  by NCam

FB Number: S2699  Condition: Toppled  Score: 5/10

Found flush bracket after digging for 10 mins. Added photos to help locate.


Couldn't find it 20th Feb 2024  11:32  by Kiwibabez

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Couldn't find it  Score: 5/10

covered in shingles dug down a little bit but couldn't find what3word are valve.wipes.garage taken from a post on facebook

Toppled 19th Dec 2023  10:45  by RichardM

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Toppled  Score: 5/10

Buried under lorry load of shingle and shells, presumably dumped to shore up the sea defences. After numerous false starts we eventually locate it and dig down to the foundation block and FB. From the SE edge of the collapsed concrete semicircular gun emplacement walk 3.8m towards the LHS of the 1st floor window in the wood clad wall. With luck if you dig you'll strike the concrete foundation - its about 25cm lower than the top of he bank.

Toppled 19th Dec 2023  10:00  by DeniseMc

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Toppled  Score: 5/10

Returned with improvised prodder and hit lucky. Dug out a fair amount of recently dumped shingle to reveal the toppled trig, not moved from previous photos. The concrete plug base is uppermost and the trig leans down hill at angle of 56 degrees to the boatyard fence. It's 14m North of the boat yard fence. The plug is c 1 foot below the level of the adjacent grass. The concrete defences seen in the photos aided location. Flushbracket is luckily facing up and we just excavated till we saw that. Recovered with thin layer of shingle but the shingle is generally unstable. Disproportionately delighted with our find (in pouring rain!). Parking adjacent but we sailed.

Couldn't find it 18th Dec 2023  16:26  by DeniseMc

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Couldn't find it  Score: 5/10

Apparently covered by a lorry load of shingle. Dug with feet but really needed a shovel!

Toppled 15th Dec 2023  15:41  by Blackdog

FB Number: S2699  Condition: Toppled  Score: 5/10

Easiest trig ever, parked next to it. What3Words valve.wipes.garage ©Blackdog

Toppled 12th Nov 2023  13:30  by Postie

FB Number: S2699  Condition: Toppled  Score: 5/10

I had read that this trig had been exposed by recent storms. We are down here from the North East for a family visit and had to make time to visit.


Toppled 12th Nov 2023  13:30  by Postie

FB Number: S2699  Condition: Toppled  Score: 5/10

I had read that this trig had been exposed by recent storms. We are down here from the North East for a family visit and had to make time to visit.

Couldn't find it 25th Oct 2023  16:00  by Duncan68

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Couldn't find it  Score: 0/10

Looks like this trig has been covered again by recent storms or someone’s tipped a lorry load of shingle on top of it


Toppled 9th Oct 2023  12:17  by 360exploring

FB Number: S2699  Condition: Toppled  Score: 6/10

Drove down to have a look at the newly reappeared pillar! Very close to the compound, I walked further down expecting it to be nearer the coffee van! Don’t ask me why! Sad to see it toppled, would be lovely to have it reinstated


Toppled 19th Sep 2023  13:32  by peregrinus

FB Number: S2699  Condition: Toppled  Score: 8/10

Lying in shingle just to seaward of bank, 14m N of boatyard fence, GPS suggests 4m SE of its original location. Someone's made an attempt on the FB but the concrete's very sound. Happened to be close to high tide when I arrived, luckily didn't matter. Great find! I dug out the top surface, spider intact, centre cap gone as previously mentioned. Something jammed edgewise into the hole. A local came over as I was digging, said he's there regularly and it's been visible for a few years. We agreed it would be nice if someone lifted it out and replanted it in the bank ..

Top surface excavated
Toppled pillar looking N
Someone's made an attempt on the FB
Context photo, looking S, at high tide 14m N of boatyard fence. One of the highest tides of the year, but will be 0.5m higher in 2 weeks time and possibly drowned
Excavation left open Filled with water :-(
Spider intact Something jammed into centre hole
Spider intact Tidal inundation !

Toppled 13th Sep 2023  00:00  by Woodleywalker

Gridref: SZ 68500 99861   FB Number: S2699  Condition: Toppled  Score: 8/10

Thanks to Me and My Mum for spotting this one. Walked from Fratton Station to the seafront then along the road, where the fencing ends on your right the pillar lays toppled just under the bank close to some other pieces of concrete. Has it lain hidden since 1945?

Toppled 3rd Sep 2023  11:05  by MorrisD45

FB Number: S2699  Condition: Toppled  Score: 10/10

Supposed to be a trig free weekend. However saw at 7.30 this morning about it's reappearance, so made the 2 hr journey here. Hopefully avoided the speed camera on way up else this could prove to be a very expensive bag. Lovely to see it though.

Toppled 30th Aug 2023  19:00  by Biffin

FB Number: S2699  Condition: Toppled  Score: 9/10

Visited while it's still there! You can park right next to it.

Toppled 29th Aug 2023  17:39  by Trigobsession

FB Number: S2699  Condition: Toppled  Score: 8/10

Brilliant to see it

Not Logged 27th Aug 2023  00:00  by Ronaldo333

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Toppled on a tidal slope. Head down towards the estuary. Top fully buried in shingle. Hand dug out the shingle to reveal centre cap missing. Reburied for now, needs spade and trowel to fully dig out. Below the top layer the shingle was well consolidated so trig has not moved position recently. I suspect a heavy tide may re-cover this trig in shingle.

Toppled 24th Aug 2023  11:06  by meandmymum

FB Number: S2699  Condition: Toppled  Score: 10/10

Previously visited this back in January 2016 and like everyone else logged it as destroyed. Thanks to the action of the sea over the last few years it has now been uncovered lying on the shore very close to its original position!

Destroyed 23rd Jul 2023  12:30  by SurveyorCat

FB Number: S2699  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 0/10

I passed by here on a coastal cycle. It's gone.

Destroyed 5th May 2023  15:20  by Mickandkim

Gridref: SZ 68400 99800   FB Number: S2699  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 1/10


Destroyed 22nd Oct 2021  10:00  by DaveWilcock

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 1/10

Visiting a pillar I already know isn’t there just so I can tick it off my list is probably a sign that I need a slightly less odd hobby!

It’s still gone!

Destroyed 16th Mar 2019  13:20  by peregrinus

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 5/10

Grassy gravelly area at edge of car park. Plenty of old concrete around, all sea defence not trig related. OS say Dest 10/45

Location with sea well debris in front
Location looking east to Hayling

Destroyed 17th Feb 2019  15:30  by 1473

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 7/10


Destroyed 21st Jun 2018  16:00  by widget

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 2/10

Nice spot. Had a pepsi and a hotdog (shared with aforementioned starlings) in true grockle fashion, so that's what the score is for!

Hungry starlings!

Destroyed 7th Sep 2016  12:45  by dugswell2

FB Number: GONE  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 3/10

Day visiting islands near Portsmouth.

Destroyed 12th Aug 2016  13:10  by Griefmiester

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 2/10

Certainly nothing here, looks to of been in the corner near the boat yard, or possible just inside? lots of concrete around, nothing trig looking. great views today.


Destroyed 21st Feb 2016  21:01  by mattandsophie

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 7/10

Destroyed but good views of Hayling and the hills to the north

Destroyed 17th Jan 2016  10:30  by meandmymum

Gridref: SZ 68400 99800   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 5/10

Destroyed 4th Jun 2015  11:51  by jonglew

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 5/10

OS records destroyed October 1945, yet such is the lure of trigging that here I am 70 years later visiting the spot where it once stood! It is a pleasant spot on a sunny day though; lovely views across the entrance of Langstone Harbour to Hayling Island; an ideal lunch stop and some bold starlings to share it with. But no sign of any trig remains. Was it sea action that took it? OS archive will probably record the reason for its demise.

Location TP4355©jonglew
Bold Starlings TP4355©jonglew

Destroyed 24th Mar 2013  00:00  by explorer_olway

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 0/10

No longer in evidence

Destroyed 31st Oct 2012  11:53  by hotbox16

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 3/10

Used to live near here and regularly wandered up to the ferry pier. Def missing, nice views though

Destroyed 26th Nov 2010  14:55  by bluebeard

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 1/10

Destroyed 27th Apr 2010  12:23  by raypool

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 5/10

View from location of missing trig.

Destroyed 16th Nov 2009  20:40  by Dart More

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 3/10

A long way to run from the centre of Portsmouth and back at the end of a very long day, just to confirm that a trig is missing.

Destroyed 15th Dec 2008  14:00  by martinc

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 4/10

Long gone but I can see why it was here

Destroyed 12th Sep 2006  19:50  by Trigger

FB Number: S2699  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 5/10

Destroyed 19th May 2005  20:15  by rhayader_wanderer

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 3/10

and another blank

Destroyed 19th Feb 2005  22:17  by Kitty Hawk

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 0/10

Definately gone, looked for it while bagging a cache just yards away.

Destroyed 5th May 2003  07:54  by Sapper

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 5/10

Another ex-pillar

Missing Trig with Lifeboat station in the background

The TrigpointingUK database is owned and maintained by Ian Harris (Teasel). The TrigTools pages are provided by Barry Hunter. Contact us.