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TP6918 - Whitley Resr
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Condition :
Good Good condition
Flush Bracket :
OSGB36 Station :
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T:UK waypoint :
County :
West Yorkshire
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW
Whitley ResrSE22/T33SE22T033422011.35417787.96173.67713PILLAR01/06/1989101/07/1963N0GPS HT 173.7 NCE 89
Whitley ResrSE22/T33SE22T033422011.40417788.02173.6783PILLAR01/06/1949101/07/1963N1

Nearby trigpointsplacenames 

There are 89 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 4335th with 41 other trigs (more).
Has a mean score of 5.80/10 (from 89 logged visits)
Was First logged: 3rd Jan 1986
Was Last found intact: 30th Jul 2023
Was Last logged: 21st Apr 2024

Of the 89 logged visits,
20 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 88m
The average error was 17m
3 were exact

St Johns Church Tower Lepton Centre St Johns Church Tower Lepton Centre Dransfield Hill Dransfield Hill Britannia Mill Britannia Mill The Heights The Heights Calder Farm Calder Farm Shuttle Eye Colliery Shuttle Eye Colliery Brown Hill Brown Hill Briestfield Briestfield Foxroyd Reservoir Foxroyd Reservoir Hill Top Hill Top dewdrop dewdrop manonabike manonabike bettyb bettyb Griefmiester Griefmiester mralrule mralrule Mickandkim Mickandkim Wheresthatpenguin Wheresthatpenguin Dick Holman Dick Holman wrose wrose caroleengel caroleengel CJO CJO simplysup simplysup srichy20 srichy20 Lost Lad Lost Lad Whats the Point Whats the Point The Hungry Caterpillars The Hungry Caterpillars barnsley skip barnsley skip eon eon trig-man trig-man M0NJW M0NJW Whitley Resr Whitley Resr [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Logged Visits:

Not Logged 21st Apr 2024  14:27  by wardy19

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 30th Jul 2023  12:02  by Ian Robinson

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Nipped over the wall. Could not find any other access point.

Good condition 15th Jun 2023  15:28  by mralrule

Gridref: SE 22010 17780   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Good do with a lick of paint


Good condition 12th May 2023  15:42  by Kevlar

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

2nd Trig from today's hike. Behind a wall which was relatively straightforward to get over. There is worn ground around the reservoir so I'm certainly not the first to have walked on it. The pillar looks fine, views of people's back gardens predominantly.

Good condition 24th Mar 2023  20:17  by Dirtymiller

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Had to climb over the wall to bag this one… great view off the top though

Good condition 14th Feb 2023  13:50  by toms

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

A great Trig located adjacent to Whitley Reservoir.

Bracket ©toms
Pillar ©toms
Spider ©toms

Not Logged 15th Jan 2023  00:00  by Ronaldo333

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Whitley Resr S4072 from GR: SE 22012 17771

Good condition 30th Oct 2022  09:55  by Wheresthatpenguin

Gridref: SE 22011 17788   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

Parked on Whitley Road. Climbed over a very tall stone wall and then walked up a steep bank to the pillar, which is right next to the reservoir.

Flush Bracket
Spider/Theodolite Mount

Good condition 25th Aug 2022  14:16  by Foxy

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Visited three trig points during an eight mile hike starting from Lepton and never straying to far from what is probably the most prominent trig point in the area - Emley Moor. This was the 3rd and it is easily accessed over the stone wall. It is in generally good condition and retains the original centre for the spider.

Flush bracket ©Foxy
The spider ©Foxy
The pillar ©Foxy
View of the reservoir ©Foxy
Me & the trig ©Foxy

Not Logged 3rd Jun 2022  18:11  by Stevie L

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 6/10

Easy trig to bag and in good condition just one wall to hop over

Good condition 21st May 2022  14:17  by MickSan

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10


Not Logged 25th Aug 2021  13:39  by blackboot29

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Easy to see from road. Parked in pub car park and easy climb over wall and up to the trig . Great position overlooking reservoir.

Good condition 3rd May 2021  18:05  by BasilDowl

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

An excellent trig - and rare to find a reservoir trig that hasn't had the Fort Knox treatment. It is visible from a long way off atop the large grassed embankment. Access is straightforward - the only obstacle is a 5ft stone wall, which is easily hopped over and a very quick stroll to the top. The pillar sits at the south-eastern corner of the large, open reservoir. It is in fine condition, although as Eon suggested, it could do with a coat of paint. It still has an original cap it seems, but the lettering isn't as pronounced as some. I returned the same way.

The pillar from the road
The pillar (1)
The pillar (2)
The top of the pillar
The flush bracket
The reservoir
The pillar with the wall. An easy climb over.

Good condition 18th Apr 2021  10:34  by eon

Gridref: SE 22017 17789   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

(2062) Whitley Reservoir. Pillar clearly visible from the roadside. A low-ish stone wall is all that needs to be scaled for a closer look at things. All in good condition, though it could do with another lick of paint. Pillar history: Built on the 27th of May 1947, at a cost of £8 12s 9d. Last maintained by the OS in October of 1985.

Pillar. ©eon
FB S4072 ©eon
Top. ©eon

Not Logged 11th Oct 2020  18:15  by COVID Trig Point Challenge

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Not Logged 11th Oct 2020  11:09  by dharris

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 25th May 2020  11:00  by Romanaround

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Good condition 14th May 2020  19:54  by The Trudges

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

Parked at side of roadway and climbed over small wall, Trig easy enough to see and in great condition over looking the resevoir

Flush Bracket ©The Trudges
Trig pillar©The Trudges
Spider©The Trudges
View from spider©The Trudges

Good condition 18th Nov 2019  13:00  by crammy47

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Easily seen from road. Carefully nipped over the wall.

Whitley Resr Trig Pillar

Good condition 7th Sep 2019  15:30  by simplysup

Gridref: SE 22013 17790   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Hopped over the reservoir wall from the road and climbed straight up to the trig. There is an easier access point via a (locked) 5-bar gate further down the road.


Good condition 19th Aug 2019  06:20  by Phil2997

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

spotted as I was passing by but didn't climb the wall


Good condition 3rd Aug 2019  10:27  by CJO

Gridref: SE 22011 17790   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

All intact. Wallabys and ice cream adjacent.

Whitley Resr

Good condition 14th Jul 2019  21:39  by Barry Parr

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Great place easy access good helpful locals

Good condition 17th Mar 2019  13:30  by G1XJO

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Good condition 21st Oct 2018  14:42  by Pritch227

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

nice accessible pillar


Good condition 21st Oct 2018  14:42  by WuzzerL

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Climbed over the wall and up the bank to the trig


Not Logged 28th Sep 2018  16:45  by Thomas David Whitaker

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Left my nearest and dearest eating delicious ice cream at Charlottes whilst I nipped down the road to bag this pillar. Obvious to see from the road and an easy hop over the wall and up the bank. View nowhere near as good as from as the ice cream parlour.

Good condition 6th Feb 2018  11:10  by siketribe

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

fb ©siketribe
trig ©siketribe

Good condition 12th Jan 2018  12:50  by bettyb

Gridref: SE 22000 17700   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 26th Nov 2017  10:09  by cathy trickett

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 10th Oct 2017  13:29  by asbown

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

quick nip over the wall.

Good condition 18th Sep 2017  13:35  by Andy West

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Good condition 9th Apr 2017  14:03  by Lost Lad

Gridref: SE 22011 17792   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 27th Sep 2016  18:35  by Griefmiester

Gridref: SE 22003 17770   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Parking in the pub car park to the W then back along the road - low wall easy to hop over then up bank. Pillar good condition right next to reservoir. nice enough views.

Good condition 20th Aug 2016  10:13  by Earby Rambler

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 10/10

I walked up from Ravensthorpe Station using Bridle way's & footpath's to Scopsley lane & The Woolpack Country Inn.Then just round the corner to the reservoir great location good panoramic views today.I also managed to find the OS Rivet BM,on down to Mirfield now for train home.

OS Rivet BM

Good condition 10th Aug 2016  11:32  by srichy20

Gridref: SE 22012 17791   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Parked at side of the road, jumped the gate into the res compound and walked along the bank. great views. why it's closed off Ill never know.

Good condition 28th Dec 2015  00:00  by rupertal

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 12th Oct 2015  12:13  by tigger4242

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Easy trig


Good condition 18th Oct 2014  13:42  by paulxtr

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Parked in the pub car park.

Whitley Resr ©paulxtr

Good condition 20th Jul 2013  11:50  by redDragon

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Seemed a bit public to me, lots of houses nearby. But I waited till no one was looking, clambered over a high wall and up the reservoir embankment the pillar. Easy.

Good condition 31st May 2013  08:31  by THE CYCLIST

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 4th Apr 2013  15:40  by trig-man

Gridref: SE 22015 17791   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 2nd Feb 2012  14:00  by Whats the Point

Gridref: SE 22011 17792   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Surprised that the reservoir is not covered and no security fence.

Whitley Resr

Good condition 27th Nov 2011  10:11  by painterman61

FB Number: S4702  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Easy trig to bag jumped over wall wild wind blowing across res,trig in vgc metal cap shallow letters ok views.

trig ©painterman61
trig ©painterman61
top ©painterman61
cap ©painterman61
fb ©painterman61

Good condition 19th Aug 2011  08:45  by jamiekeighley

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Nice spot and easy to get to. Decent views. Visited on a sunny morning with a chilly wind.


Good condition 22nd Jun 2011  13:00  by tommo

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

(4)Easy to find perched on the banking next to the reservoir,jumped the gate to get to the pillar, very good condition with views across open countryside

Good condition 26th Feb 2011  13:29  by THE SNAPPERS

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

caching around Ravensfield,took a detour to the trig,great views just nipped over wall and up banking.

Not Logged 16th Feb 2011  13:03  by berticusdan

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 14th Feb 2011  00:00  by Applepye

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Visited today whilst in the area

Good condition 30th Dec 2010  13:00  by M0NJW

Gridref: SE 22011 17799   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 15th Dec 2010  14:15  by slateloose

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 14th Nov 2010  10:50  by Mickandkim

Gridref: SE 22011 17788   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Easy access but gate and fence have been greased Slipped in over gate Nice location

Good condition 5th Jul 2010  07:21  by bluewhitereg

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Found while geocaching in the area

Good condition 4th Jul 2010  18:15  by davey and emsy

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Clearly visible from roadside, parked at side of res and ran up the banking to this trig.

Good condition 4th Jul 2010  18:15  by davey

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 18th Jun 2010  16:23  by Triggers

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

At last a reservoir trig that you don't have to scale a ten foot fence for. Visible from road over a short wall

Whitley Resr ©Triggers

Good condition 28th May 2010  16:13  by Dick Holman

Gridref: SE 22011 17788   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

On top of the Resr. retaining wall.

Good condition 26th May 2010  00:00  by caroleengel

Gridref: SE 22011 17789   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 10th May 2010  14:19  by PeteBoggs

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

No need to switch car engine off - one of the closest to a road I've seen

Good condition 30th Jan 2010  12:26  by Rachel-C

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Good condition 21st Oct 2009  11:15  by wanderer

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

Good condition 4th Oct 2009  17:15  by ocean soul

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Visible from road but easy climb over wall of resevoir compound again quick run up bank.Open resevoir.

Good condition 4th Jul 2009  15:15  by craftinessa

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Whitewashed trig easy to spot. Climbed over the gate to gain access.

Good condition 4th Jul 2009  15:15  by swampysean

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Good condition 19th Jun 2009  14:30  by dewdrop

Gridref: SE 22000 17700   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

good position at side of small reservoir by side of road. Climbed over the wall to access it. Pillar painted white, all metalwork intact.Interesting location & looks cared for!

Not Logged 8th Mar 2009  17:47  by melch

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 8th Mar 2009  11:03  by TriggingTinkerbell

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Good condition 11th Nov 2008  18:30  by PDB

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 29th Sep 2008  15:19  by Spuds Crew

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 15th Aug 2008  19:37  by FiddleMad

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 11th Aug 2008  13:23  by splash

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Driven past this dozens of times from when I worked in the village and on route to Mitchells

Good condition 15th Jul 2008  19:15  by barnsley skip

Gridref: SE 22011 17793   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Good condition 2nd Mar 2008  11:00  by wrose

Gridref: SE 22015 17786   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

An after the event logging from a visit prior to finding this site.

Good condition 21st Apr 2007  15:00  by PhilPamAndRob

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Easy find from the road

Trig Pillar ©PhilPamAndRob
Trig Plaque ©PhilPamAndRob

Good condition 11th Nov 2006  23:40  by Trigger

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 30th Apr 2006  13:00  by MAC.HAWK

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

On todays visit with 'the better half' the reservoir was even lower than Aug last year. View from the trig OK but walk to the far side of the reservoir for a good view down the valley - we sat on the embankment and had lunch in some nice spring sunshine.

Good condition 30th Apr 2006  13:00  by SUE-C

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 3rd Oct 2005  20:52  by stonestreaker

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

nice spot. easy access through the gate. well cared for. water still very low.

Good condition 12th Jun 2005  10:08  by John Riley

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

As other visitor say, very easy to spot up on embankment. Good view across the reservoir.

Whitley Reservoir Looking North.
Whitley Reservoir Looking NE across the houses.
Whitley Reservoir Looking South over the road.
Whitley Reservoir Flush bracket.
Whitley Reservoir Looking NW across the reservoir.

Good condition 22nd Feb 2005  08:09  by The Hungry Caterpillars

Gridref: SE 22011 17793   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

What a proud white trig pillar-not easy to miss .

Not Logged 13th Jan 2005  12:04  by manonabike

Gridref: SE 22000 17700   FB Number: S4072  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 2nd Jan 2005  10:35  by mickandshane

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Painted white but you couldn't miss it anyway. Plug with indented lettering.

Good condition 31st Dec 2004  12:00  by iainmac

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10


Good condition 26th Nov 2004  00:00  by Slytherin

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Easy to find and good views.

Good condition 5th Jun 2004  15:00  by ted

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Corner of reservoir; easy access (through gate then along the embankment).

trig from embankment
trig looking south over road.
trig looking up from road.

Good condition 24th Apr 2004  12:00  by Seasider

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

16/42 for the day. A reservoir trig!

Good condition 7th Feb 2004  12:00  by peregrinus

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

vgc, metal cap shallow letters; top of resr embkt

Good condition 15th Apr 2003  16:00  by MikeG

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

This one's there, standing proud on the SE corner of the reservoir embankment GPSr gave coordinates as near as N53 39.368 W1 40.106 and elevation as 579ft

Good condition 3rd Jan 1986  00:00  by RogerTempleman

FB Number: S4072  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

White pillar on top of grassy reservoir bank. 568ft above sea level.

The TrigpointingUK database is owned and maintained by Ian Harris (Teasel). The TrigTools pages are provided by Barry Hunter. Contact us.