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TP1634 - Brimham Rocks
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Slightly damaged Slightly damaged
Flush Bracket :
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North Yorkshire
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW
Brimham RocksSE38/5SE38S005420604.24465069.96301.0542PILLAR01/06/1955101/06/1973N0HELD FIXED IN BLOCK A001

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There are 191 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 764th with 20 other trigs (more).
Has a mean score of 6.91/10 (from 268 logged visits)
Was First logged: 1st Jan 1970
Was Last found intact: 19th May 2024
Was Last logged: 20th Jun 2024

Of the 268 logged visits,
60 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 40070m
The average error was 681m
5 were exact

Alfred the great Alfred the great slateloose slateloose rams rams Scally and the Princess Scally and the Princess dogwalking dogwalking beckroad beckroad bettyb bettyb manonabike manonabike stubil stubil pendlelill pendlelill theposhbloke theposhbloke wrose wrose Rick Vinter Rick Vinter William McFadden William McFadden lauralj84 lauralj84 Tizzie Tizzie amblerbob amblerbob clochandighter clochandighter lauralj84 lauralj84 Bangkok_ian Bangkok_ian rowleybirkin rowleybirkin Mickandkim Mickandkim chrisbombington chrisbombington asteroth asteroth eon eon devsam10 devsam10 Haggis Hunter Haggis Hunter ourmark ourmark Loz&Bib Loz&Bib amblerbob amblerbob Ed Ed cavercarol cavercarol lost! lost! Ed Ed Erica Erica Brisey Brisey caroleengel caroleengel ger ger Aye Jimmy Aye Jimmy gez gez Dumfriesmike Dumfriesmike CJO CJO srichy20 srichy20 Two Twitchers Two Twitchers catman catman descarte1 descarte1 senrabyar senrabyar Hands Hands Teasel Teasel Just-us-Two Just-us-Two sweeners sweeners Leeds Tyke Leeds Tyke chrisbrearley chrisbrearley bwm bwm Ed Ed Andrew hunt Andrew hunt arranc arranc trigrat trigrat Tonyht Tonyht meandmymum meandmymum Brimham Rocks Brimham Rocks [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Logged Visits:

Not Logged 20th Jun 2024  16:03  by SuperSpark

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 7/10

Superb Geological location. Told National Trust car park attendants that we'd come over from Lancashire on Missionary Work. We disagreed as to whether best thing out of either county was road to the other!

Slightly damaged 19th May 2024  09:31  by MileswithRiles

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Riley on the trig

Good condition 16th Apr 2024  18:09  by purpleskull

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

Not Logged 8th Apr 2024  23:09  by wardy19

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 21st Mar 2024  14:18  by MickSan

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Parked in layby past carpark took foot path from there

Slightly damaged 21st Mar 2024  14:15  by Motor mic

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Good condition 1st Mar 2024  14:46  by descarte1

Gridref: SE 20604 65073   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Good condition pillar with rough surface atop a rock formation in the splendid Brimham Rocks. Cap missing, but asphalt plug present. FB faces south-east-ish with north-east-ish sighthole open only.

Slightly damaged 21st Feb 2024  18:54  by Ed

Gridref: SE 20604 65071   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 21st Feb 2024  18:52  by Ed

Gridref: SE 20604 65071   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 18th Feb 2024  22:48  by cavercarol

Gridref: SE 20604 65071   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 16th Feb 2024  15:00  by Romanaround

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Damaged 9th Nov 2023  20:50  by JackS

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Great views. Worth a visit to the area

She couldn't climb up to it because of shoulder injury. So no chance of posing on it. At least I got to pose next to it.

Not Logged 5th Nov 2023  03:29  by StewB

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

In absence of an OS map & in effort to keep up momentum in quest of 'bagging' 750 trigs, had to choose carefully an easy three trig forage on a three night stopover with partner Pam in Harrogate...Brimham Rocks, Hartwith en route & a not too distant drive post Brimham to Marton Le Moor...For Hartwith parked just off the B6165 at GR 20847 60711, a large & well out of the way 'pull-in' off the caravan site access road & crossing the B6165 & 'jumping' a barbed-wire fence thro' the hedge a trig located with some difficulty using Etrex numbers alone. For Brimham Rocks, parked at the National Trust pay & display car park GR 20845 64539 & paid £6.50 for four hours (£10 for all day)...Extortion, exploitation & commercialisation thanx to National Trust ownership...For Marton Le Moor parked just off the B6265 on Anthony Lane GR 37176 69684 with, having 'taken' a left, a short road walk to locate the hedge trig with relative ease. Sad as it was, the decapitated trig of Hartwith was something different, the Brimham Rocks trig nothing special with the place itself much a 'to do about nothing' amassed with people akin to Land's End & a place i'll thankfully never re-visit & the Marton Le Moor trig whilst impossible to circumnavigate or stand on top of, nonetheless pleasant in that there's just something about hedge trigs that 'makes' them "Oh so satisfying!" With personal 'trig pot' upto 745, a 'hit' on 750 ought happen over the next two walks thro' Low Abbey, Broad Lea & Dufton about Appleby-in-Westmorland & Bryn Du & Glan Hafon about Llangollen.

Slightly damaged 11th Sep 2023  14:05  by AndyBingley

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Not Logged 9th Sep 2023  12:00  by Valerie

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

On a boiling hot day with Lynne and Tim

Good condition 23rd Aug 2023  11:30  by RoccosAdventures

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 10/10

Amazing Trigpoint very easy to get to just behind the bookshop in Brimham Rocks National Park - great views great visit well worth the effort - spent the rest of the day enjoying the strange rock structures.

TP1634 Very enjoyable

Slightly damaged 16th Jul 2023  13:29  by Richard_P

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Just behind main building.


Slightly damaged 2nd Jul 2023  00:00  by ThePowells

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Parked at NT car park and up the easy track past large boulders and followed route round to the top. Trig on rock behind the book shop. Thought £6.50 to park for the trig was rather steep so handed our ticket on to the next visitor. 3/3 round the dales today. Lunch in Harrogate.

Good condition 25th Jun 2023  16:40  by devsam10

Gridref: SE 20604 65070   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Good condition 17th May 2023  12:45  by Multiterrainer

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

On a short stroll around Brimham Rocks when I reminded myself that despite other visits here I'd not previously logged the trig

Slightly damaged 16th Apr 2023  12:25  by Steve Pennock

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Visited on a walk from Pateley Bridge with Dearne Valley Walking Group. Pillar weathered, sat on top of a large rock behind the visitor centre.

Flush Bracket
Trig Pillar
The Spider
Trig Pillar & me ©Steve Pennock

Good condition 3rd Apr 2023  09:45  by D88

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Nice little walk to this one


Good condition 8th Mar 2023  15:20  by dbattyman

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Not Logged 15th Feb 2023  12:30  by Sazzacrow1

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 6th Jan 2023  12:15  by Ian Robinson

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Slightly damaged 2nd Jan 2023  11:33  by [email protected]

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

Slightly damaged 2nd Dec 2022  10:25  by vegibagger

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Very rough surface.... Good re-visit with Debbie Watson and extended wander

Trig ©vegibagger
Top 'face' ©vegibagger
FB ©vegibagger

Slightly damaged 10th Oct 2022  15:35  by boblynoriho

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Brimham Rocks pillar ©boblynoriho

Slightly damaged 20th Sep 2022  12:45  by Nekyram

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

A pleasant stroll from National Trust car park.trig sits on a rock behind visitor centre . A great location.


Slightly damaged 4th Aug 2022  10:25  by Simmo61

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Slightly damaged 1st Aug 2022  12:53  by Holmes Chapel u3a walkers

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Revisited Brimham just to bag the trig. Spectacular landscape impresses every time. Trig is a bit sad perched on a small outcrop just behind the Visitor Centre. Have to scramble onto the rock to get close to the trig. Score based on trig location - the Rocks themselves would score 10.

The flush bracket ©Holmes Chapel u3a walkers
Bagger 1 with trig ©Holmes Chapel u3a walkers
The Rocks rather outshine the trig!
The trig. ©Holmes Chapel u3a walkers
Bagger 2 beside the trig. Note the change in weather - came to nothing thankfully!©Holmes Chapel u3a walkers

Slightly damaged 31st May 2022  13:30  by poshandbecks

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Lots of people up on the rocks today

TP1634 ©poshandbecks

Slightly damaged 14th May 2022  14:00  by iang

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Visited during trip to Brimham Rocks

Brimham Rocks Trigpoint©iang

Good condition 27th Mar 2022  22:48  by WanderingSal

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 21st Mar 2022  17:37  by lauralj84

Gridref: SE 20601 65070   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Slightly damaged 25th Feb 2022  11:30  by Trigglets

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10


Slightly damaged 18th Jan 2022  15:40  by beckroad

Gridref: SE 20600 65000   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Parked in the National Trust car park free to members. A ten minute walk to pillar then spent remainder of time walking through the weathered stones. Amazing. The trig point is located on a weathered boulder. Spider plug has a tarmac infill.

Pillar at Brimham Rocks Spider top looking south to the weathered rocks.

Slightly damaged 22nd Dec 2021  08:30  by Cerridwen

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Easy to find, interesting scenery

Slightly damaged 21st Nov 2021  15:34  by lauralj84

Gridref: SE 20601 65073   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Slightly damaged 26th Oct 2021  14:40  by Noynek

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Visited on family trip to the rocks. Been many times before

Flush Bracket

Slightly damaged 29th Sep 2021  15:00  by Nomecap

FB Number: 7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10


Slightly damaged 22nd Sep 2021  13:00  by TrevSym

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 7th Aug 2021  16:00  by tommo

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

(229) called at this one whilst queuing for ice cream at the national trust shop, Pillar is perched on high behind the visitor centre with great views across to Menwith hill Pillar

Slightly damaged 18th Jul 2021  10:27  by Lincolnshire Warrior

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

©Lincolnshire Warrior

Slightly damaged 5th Jul 2021  14:30  by joebee98

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

Pillar's a bit weather. Lovely area and good views when the clouds part.


Not Logged 25th May 2021  12:26  by KristianBrooks

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 2nd May 2021  09:28  by The Trudges

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Trig slightly damaged sat on one of Brimham rock's, great views out over the rock formations and surrounding area. Centre cap missing and a asphalt replacement now fitted

Flush Bracket
View from spider

Not Logged 13th Nov 2020  15:28  by COVID Trig Point Challenge

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Not Logged 25th Oct 2020  16:05  by G3mm4.B

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Not Logged 13th Sep 2020  13:30  by Thomas David Whitaker

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 9/10

Lancaster Castle to York Minster Walk (Day 7 Pateley Bridge to Ripon) Took the route in from Smelthouses through open woodland and saved £6 by arriving to Brimham on foot. Masses of families letting their locked down kids run off some steam and I had to queue up behind a load of them to have my turn touching the pillar.I didn't mind as it was great to see them being normal. Having said that, one of the parents was telling his children that the trig pillar was part of a sacrificial altar. I started trying to put him right but...oh what the heck! Superb area of weirdly weathered rocks- utterly memorable. I said I'd give a mention to the very friendly Smeltbakes providing sustenance to walkers and cyclists at reasonable cost

Slightly damaged 13th Sep 2020  13:06  by fm1906

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

An afternoon exploring one of my favourite places. A trigpoint and an Adventure Lab all rolled into one whilst having a great afternoon!

Not Logged 28th Aug 2020  13:00  by String Beans

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 25th Aug 2020  14:07  by Teasel

Gridref: SE 20606 65071   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Soggy day at Brigham Rocks.


Not Logged 21st Jul 2020  10:59  by dharris

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 9/10

Good condition 27th Jun 2020  08:44  by MC4334

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

Ive visited Brimham Rocks many times, this visit was all about bagging the Trig Point, well worth considering spending longer their for those who have not been before, although, be warned £6 for parking!

Not Logged 12th Jan 2020  13:53  by Ed

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 12th Jan 2020  13:50  by Ed

Gridref: SE 20610 65081   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 2nd Jan 2020  16:47  by DaveB

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

You can't miss it. Lovely place for a wander.


Slightly damaged 1st Jan 2020  13:00  by Earby Rambler

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 10/10

Revisit with family it was packed out today, Happy New Year everyone all the best for 2020.


Good condition 15th Nov 2019  13:45  by Dot924

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Very quiet at this time of the year. Quite an interesting place.

The point The point

Slightly damaged 10th Nov 2019  09:30  by eon

Gridref: SE 20604 65070   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

(1586) Staying overnight in the area, so got to Brimham Rocks fairly early today. A cold but bright November Sunday. Still a few folks around, but no masses for sure. Great location to wander through with the millstone grit formations giving the area a real vibe. Pillar soon spotted, which appears as weathered as the rocks it's built upon - I wonder if that was the desired intention? Centre cap missing replaced by asphalt. Pillar history: Built on the 31st of March 1954, at a cost of £13 8s 11d. Last maintained by the OS in March of 1975.

Brimham Rocks. ©eon
Pillar. ©eon
FB S7894 ©eon
Top. ©eon

Slightly damaged 2nd Aug 2019  18:45  by iantitanic

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

geocaching nearby.

Brimham Rocks ©iantitanic

Slightly damaged 16th Jul 2019  09:24  by Rick Trig

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

Great location, which seemingly gets very busy, however if you go early it’s nice & quiet

Good condition 15th Jul 2019  15:31  by trigrat

Gridref: SE 20618 65085   FB Number: S789  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 12th Jul 2019  15:00  by karenwaslin

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Slightly damaged 27th Jun 2019  10:19  by Loz&Bib

Gridref: SE 20605 65069   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Cycle trip today and stopped off here

Not Logged 9th Jun 2019  00:00  by ChrisP

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 9/10

Good condition 9th Jun 2019  00:00  by ChrisP

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

Slightly damaged 4th Jun 2019  09:43  by Bridgeman

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Morning visit and a wander around rocks before rain set in.

Brimham Rocks Trig Point ©Bridgeman
Brimham Rocks Trig Point FB ©Bridgeman

Good condition 26th May 2019  13:22  by Ewainman

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10


Slightly damaged 14th May 2019  11:33  by MikeG

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Great Location, bagged whilst visiting Brimham Rocks

Me at the trig ©MikeG
Flush Bracket ©MikeG
View from the Trig ©MikeG

Slightly damaged 12th May 2019  10:10  by bettyb

Gridref: SE 20600 65000   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 6th May 2019  09:06  by jwearden

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 2nd May 2019  11:19  by robcross

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Good condition 7th Apr 2019  11:52  by blackboot29

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Circular walk from Dacre Banks which happened to pass through so an easy bag today.

Good condition 3rd Apr 2019  13:47  by Moira293

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Our first visit to Brimham Rocks and we were very impressed. Took a bit of scrambling to bag this trig!

Moi clinging on to the trig! :-0

Good condition 1st Jan 2019  10:28  by William McFadden

Gridref: SE 20602 65068   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

An early morning wander around the rocks took me to this trig. Beautiful views.

Good condition 28th Dec 2018  14:06  by Tyke

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

It's a long time since I used to wander round the stones (1960's) and back then it was a wonderful place to be. Today it's a place to be avoided! Paths used to be there to be found and explored, now there are so many visitors I felt that the rocks were being obscured by the crowds. It's sad to remember how it used to be.

Slightly damaged 6th Oct 2018  19:12  by Pritch227

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 10/10

great location!!!!


Slightly damaged 6th Oct 2018  19:09  by WuzzerL

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 10/10

Amazing especially with not a sole about and at dusk!


Slightly damaged 17th Sep 2018  18:40  by ger

Gridref: SE 20603 65073   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Pretty good views - there is something satisfying about trig pillars on natural rock!

Slightly damaged 11th Sep 2018  11:53  by amblerbob

Gridref: SE 20603 65072   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Morning stroll around area on a sunny day with good visibility.

Brimham Rocks Lovely area

Good condition 9th Sep 2018  15:30  by Amy_lou1984

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Good condition 22nd Aug 2018  22:43  by cathy trickett

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 5th Aug 2018  18:38  by peatie

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Slightly damaged 5th Aug 2018  13:20  by ed-don

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Great rock formations and there is a trig on top too. I could see right across to Drax power station and beyond from here.

Scenery looking roughly SE

Slightly damaged 4th Aug 2018  15:51  by Thejenkies

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Did not know what to expect here but what an amazing place. Will call back here when less busy. Great views from the pillar. Bit of a scramble to get up to it.

Brimham Rocks Pillar ©Thejenkies
Brimham Rocks pillar FB ©Thejenkies

Good condition 2nd Aug 2018  15:15  by smithcox

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

Spent the day at Brimham Rocks and came acc oops this Trig

Not Logged 31st Jul 2018  15:37  by peebs

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Not Logged 20th Jul 2018  09:04  by Trighappytreen

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 14th Jul 2018  03:00  by Topofthemoor

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 10/10

Outstanding views of Nidderdale & the Brimham Rocks

Brimham Rocks ©Topofthemoor
Brimham Rocks ©Topofthemoor

Slightly damaged 3rd Jul 2018  14:22  by Bobe

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Slightly damaged 1st Jul 2018  15:40  by JRoche2018

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Good condition 30th Jun 2018  11:57  by haighr01

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Day 8 of 13: A Bay to Bay Walk. From the campsite the other side of Pateley Bridge, a monster effort to get here before 12. A fantastic place, which suffers for its popularity. If like me, you prefer solitude you'll do well to find it here. Still a good trig with wide views. Onto Markington and eventually Bishop Monkton then, our walk is heading slowly but surely for the white horse of Kilburn.....

On the Rocks Long Hot Summer

Good condition 31st May 2018  15:00  by Rick Vinter

Gridref: SE 20604 65065   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Not Logged 22nd Apr 2018  00:00  by Ronaldo333

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Not Logged 9th Apr 2018  14:44  by stubil

Gridref: SE 20578 65048   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10


Slightly damaged 30th Mar 2018  13:45  by Erica

Gridref: SE 20604 65071   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 20th Mar 2018  15:00  by Foinavon

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Came on a nice quite day, what a location for a trig point!

Not Logged 2nd Mar 2018  00:14  by Tigrisdea

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 26th Oct 2017  21:56  by Wayne Mac

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 19th Oct 2017  10:50  by gez

Gridref: SE 20603 65073   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

The view would have been better without the mist. On a walk from Brimham Rocks with the Norwich Ramblers group

Slightly damaged 28th Aug 2017  13:05  by Hands

Gridref: SE 20605 65072   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

From small parking area to the East followed footpaths to the Trig which is situated on a rock in the middle of the busiest country park I have ever been to! The Trig is slightly damaged-badly pitted with a tar cap and one open sight hole, Interesting rock formations abound well worth a look

h and s at the trig ©Hands

Slightly damaged 19th Aug 2017  12:00  by madaddo

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

Fascinating place. Didn't come here looking for a trig, but saw it above the visitors centre so it would have been rude not to...

Not Logged 13th Aug 2017  10:49  by meandmymum

Gridref: SE 20600 25000   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 7/10

Visited here many times in the past, but never been to the pillar before. So busy we had to wait our turn to get a picture!

Good condition 18th Jul 2017  12:10  by teamsprollie

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 10/10

Loved this trig! The surrounding "Brimham rocks" were amazing. Would love to revisit on a quieter day. A bit too busy for me today.

Trig pillar at Brimham Rocks

Good condition 15th Jul 2017  00:00  by Anthony

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

Good condition 1st May 2017  16:30  by monkeydestructor

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 10/10

YSM300 Brimham Rocks ©monkeydestructor

Not Logged 1st May 2017  14:19  by BizBoff

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 31st Mar 2017  17:00  by Akayess

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Akayess at Brimham Rocks ©Akayess

Slightly damaged 24th Mar 2017  17:29  by painterman61

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Revisit and a look round again great views trig is rough must have been a bad mix

trig ©painterman61
trig ©painterman61
Brinham Rocks ©painterman61

Good condition 21st Feb 2017  11:05  by theposhbloke

Gridref: SE 20599 65063   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

Slightly damaged 27th Dec 2016  10:30  by gaz_zippy

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Found this trig whilst exploring Brimham Rocks.

Gpsr at the trig ©gaz_zippy
Trigpoint ©gaz_zippy
Flush Bracket ©gaz_zippy

Good condition 16th Dec 2016  11:50  by dugswell2

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Parked in the National Trust car park then an enjoyable walk up between the tors to bag the trig and summit with Smudge.

Good condition 2nd Sep 2016  12:01  by Dumfriesmike

Gridref: SE 20608 65067   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Fantastic views! Very busy holiday weekend but no one at the trig, peace and quiet at last in the company of a concrete friend!

Good condition 27th Aug 2016  14:12  by Jeff Trig Point

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

©Jeff Trig Point
©Jeff Trig Point

Slightly damaged 2nd Aug 2016  12:00  by PirateTrickster

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Not Logged 31st Jul 2016  13:16  by pcriddy

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 6/10

Slightly damaged 25th Jul 2016  17:44  by greenbell

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Having failed to bag the trig near Stoodley Royal this is a beautiful ending to this trip into N Yorkshire

Beautiful Brittish summer evening pt 276

Not Logged 26th Jun 2016  10:00  by islaynut

FB Number: S6327  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 7th Jun 2016  10:54  by Phil Clayton

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 10/10

First visit in many years to one of Nature's adventure playgrounds.

Slightly damaged 30th May 2016  10:25  by timdoggart

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Really interesting place - weird rock formations and interesting views

Ellie on Trig Trigpoint with daughter
Landscape nearby Landscape at Brimham Rocks

Slightly damaged 17th Apr 2016  13:15  by g6lkb

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

great place to visit with family. fantastic views from trig 360 degrees

m3ulv ©g6lkb

Slightly damaged 10th Apr 2016  17:20  by Aye Jimmy

Gridref: SE 20603 65073   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Dozens of visits over the years but first time GPS reading logged.

Brimham Rocks The FB.
Brimham Rocks The pitted trig.
Brimham Rocks Wild and non-wild life.

Slightly damaged 25th Mar 2016  16:03  by martin cliff

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

nice location

Slightly damaged 13th Jan 2016  09:11  by srichy20

Gridref: SE 20605 65071   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Easy bag whilst exploring this magnificent place.

Slightly damaged 25th Dec 2015  12:00  by Andy West

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 10/10

Good condition 23rd Dec 2015  15:30  by We TRye hard

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Nice sunny evening and a busy spot.

©We TRye hard

Slightly damaged 7th Sep 2015  07:42  by THE CYCLIST

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

A beautiful sunny warm day. Excellent views from the top. Could have basked here with many of the other visitors, but I had one further pillar to visit and to cycle back to York!

Slightly damaged 21st Aug 2015  11:47  by fitzydan

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

The YOSM travelling geocache had visited here and nearby Skell Gill so these trigs were the target today. Parked at the NT car park and had a pleasant 5 mile walk round the rocks visiting this trig along the way. Excellent views although somewhat cloudy today and a bit breezy with a hint of rain as I got to here.

The trigpoint
The Flush Bracket

Slightly damaged 28th Jul 2015  16:00  by sixtyplus

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Bagged whilst visiting the rocks with my family. A hill bagged as well.

Not Logged 13th Jun 2015  12:02  by Nathanael-jon

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 3rd Jun 2015  00:00  by rams

Gridref: SE 20600 65000   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Not Logged 29th May 2015  16:40  by Portia142

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 8/10

Slightly damaged 27th May 2015  14:00  by Walker Dan

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Amused by slightly wonky last number on trig point. Loads of families about with it being half term but quiet up here.

Slightly damaged 2nd May 2015  12:22  by pendlelill

Gridref: SE 20593 65064   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

next to cafe, fairly busy considering weather

trig ©pendlelill

Good condition 27th Feb 2015  12:30  by stan toon

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 10/10

Trig sits proudly on rock out crop.... fascinating place

©stan toon

Slightly damaged 8th Jan 2015  14:50  by redDragon

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

This is probably my favourite place in yorkshire. The pillar is a bit weathered, but the views in all directions are great.

Slightly damaged 5th Nov 2014  15:30  by chrisbombington

Gridref: SE 20604 65070   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Amazing place , best NT property I've visited and dog friendly too.

Brimham Trig Trig and Inserts Flush Bracket and Asphalt cap

Slightly damaged 20th Sep 2014  00:00  by bwm

Gridref: SE 20606 65073   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Very busy area. Likely to be great views when not low cloud and rain

Slightly damaged 28th Aug 2014  15:53  by Boneychest

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

What an amazing place! Hard to get to the trig because of the endless stream of (other) tourists. Good views, even over the roof of the visitor centre.

Slightly damaged 16th Aug 2014  13:12  by Just-us-Two

Gridref: SE 20603 65075   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Wonderful area loads to see. Nice views all around from this one.

view from the trig. ©Just-us-Two

Not Logged 27th Jul 2014  00:00  by gasman

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 8th Jun 2014  12:28  by CJO

Gridref: SE 20604 65072   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Asphalt cap. Pock marked concrete.

Brimham Rocks

Slightly damaged 31st May 2014  14:43  by paulxtr

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Throngs of people around the trig so had to wait to get a photo with no-one on it. Fine location.

Brimham Rocks ©paulxtr

Not Logged 19th Apr 2014  22:34  by daansea

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 19th Apr 2014  14:22  by daansea

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

very busy


Not Logged 12th Mar 2014  11:20  by Leeds Tyke

Gridref: SE 20609 65068   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 9th Mar 2014  12:34  by chrisbrearley

Gridref: SE 20605 65074   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Umpteenth visit to this trig. Busy as ever.

Not Logged 29th Jan 2014  19:50  by Dubvine

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 19th Oct 2013  10:00  by Paddyeds

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 10/10

What a great place to visit, brimham rocks are very photogenic

Slightly damaged 28th Sep 2013  13:30  by Alfred the great

Gridref: SE 20600 65000   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

©Alfred the great

Slightly damaged 22nd Sep 2013  12:40  by Earby Rambler

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 10/10


Slightly damaged 21st Aug 2013  14:57  by lost!

Gridref: SE 20604 65071   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

Visiting Brimham Rocks on a day out with the family. My first Yorkshire trig :-)

Brimham Rocks Trig

Slightly damaged 9th Aug 2013  15:52  by clochandighter

Gridref: SE 20605 65068   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

HISTORY: Pillar completed 31st March 1954 costing £13.8s.11d. Computed as secondary triangulation station SE38/5 within the Harrogate block during 1955. Levelled for height in 1973. Last maintained by the OS in March 1975. Comment in OS Archive reads: "Held fixed in Block A001". SITE VISIT: Approached from east. Followed opposite westbound footpath through ferns to public open area where trig can be seen on highest rock to northwest. Spectacular rocky attraction but infested with people. Trig pillar is located on highest rock. Pillar facing appears to have been sandblasted. Spider centre plugged with tar. Flush bracket faces southeast, ~126°. Vented through NE sight hole. 157° panoramic view spans from NE through SE to SSW. Three notable landmarks on the distant horizon are Drax, Eggborough and Ferrybridge Power Stations. I think the parking charge should have been £4 which I could not justify for such a short visit. I found somewhere free to park nearby.

S7894 - Brimham Rocks & GRP

Good condition 6th Jul 2013  12:45  by Two Twitchers

Gridref: SE 20605 65071   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

Fantastic views over the Yorkshire Dales from this Trig. Very popular place at Brimham Rocks. Combined with several Geocaches.

Slightly damaged 27th Jun 2013  13:30  by Big Fish

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 10/10

I visited the area today with my Advanced driving course, we stopped off here for our lunch break. A quick dash up the hill to the trig and a quick dash around some of the site area for a couple of the local caches. Must return again with the family when I have more time.

Brimham Rocks Trig
Brimham Rocks Trig Flush Bracket.

Slightly damaged 27th Apr 2013  15:00  by Eeee Bi Gum

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Very Busy on the tourist track from Car Park to Briham House, less so up 'ere. Trig Pillar appears to be pitted, but look what the weather has done to the stones round here :-)

Slightly damaged 8th Feb 2013  00:00  by Bramley

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Slightly damaged 16th Dec 2012  12:09  by catman

Gridref: SE 20606 65070   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Super place to have a trig

Good condition 18th Nov 2012  14:00  by andrew knox

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Slightly damaged 27th Oct 2012  14:57  by Bangkok_ian

Gridref: SE 20601 65073   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

A favourite spot with the family. A trig, an earthcache a virtual cache and 5 conventional caches today - my best bagging day so far.

Slightly damaged 2nd Sep 2012  14:00  by jamiekeighley

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Visited on a warm late summers day with family. Nice place with plenty of rock climbing to do. Great views all around.

Slightly damaged 12th Jul 2012  10:36  by FrankR

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Busy place.

Not Logged 24th Jun 2012  09:02  by dmacbrew

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 7/10

Slightly damaged 6th May 2012  00:00  by Tonyht

Gridref: SE 20630 65070   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

Outstanding location and views

Good condition 7th Apr 2012  21:12  by madlex1

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

great area the kids loved climbing the rocks


Slightly damaged 7th Apr 2012  00:00  by dogwalking

Gridref: SE 20600 65000   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Slightly damaged 21st Feb 2012  14:15  by amblerbob

Gridref: SE 20600 65074   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Did not see trig on previous visit. Nice area for a meander.

Slightly damaged 2nd Nov 2011  12:33  by baskerville bogtrotters

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Visited while caching in the area. No real views today due to misty conditions. Enjoyed wandering this weird area.

Slightly damaged 16th Oct 2011  14:00  by Rachel-C

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Great view across the National Trust Site and a great view for miles there after. Slight damage - pitted surface.

Slightly damaged 7th Oct 2011  13:18  by Border Peat

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

Easy trig behind Information centre

S7894©Border Peat

Slightly damaged 11th Sep 2011  20:00  by painterman61

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

Parked in NT carpark did not pay as complex deserted at this time at night,liked this place a lot had a jurrasic park look about it. trig has very worn pitted surface tarmac plug exellent views here out to the york area.

trig ©painterman61
Rough surface ©painterman61
top and rocks view ©painterman61
fb ©painterman61

Good condition 10th Sep 2011  13:00  by BasilDowl

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Bagged as part of a long walk in the area. Trig perched atop a rock outcrop, in reasonable shape - it's very pitted and weathered.

The pillar

Good condition 29th Aug 2011  13:30  by drums4monty

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Good condition 16th Aug 2011  16:06  by bluewhitereg

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Great views in an interesting place.

Slightly damaged 16th Aug 2011  00:00  by Applepye

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Visited whilst walking in the park.

Slightly damaged 14th Aug 2011  11:30  by Paulus66

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Must be one of the most visited Trigs in Yorkshire and very busy when I was unavoidably there showing family visitors around the rocks. A mile walk from Brimham Rocks car park up to the Trig at the very top of the rocks. Good views south and east. The view west into Nidderdlae now obscured by trees.

Slightly damaged 9th Aug 2011  13:40  by sheepsocks

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Heaving with people, masses of families enjoying the sun. Expansive views all the way to Drax power station and York Minster. Moved on from this spot...not that I dont like kids!

Slightly damaged 10th Jul 2011  13:19  by Bri

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Good condition 24th Jun 2011  13:31  by dazedemon

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Bagged whilst on family camping trip

Not Logged 2nd Jun 2011  07:14  by outdoorgirl

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 24th Apr 2011  15:35  by craftinessa

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Had to queue to tag this trig, lots of people hanging about.

Slightly damaged 24th Apr 2011  15:35  by swampysean

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Slightly damaged 16th Apr 2011  00:00  by rupertal

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Slightly damaged 28th Mar 2011  15:00  by PeteBoggs

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Parked on road close to NT car park to avoid parking fee (£4!!).Good views,well sited trig


Damaged 27th Mar 2011  12:00  by aussierules

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Damaged  Score: 6/10

Not Logged 25th Mar 2011  11:43  by dilliej

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 27th Feb 2011  13:00  by Particle

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Been to Brimham Rocks about half a dozen times and finally remembered to go to the trig on he highest point. Some good views today even if a bit cloudy and not too clear.

Slightly damaged 26th Feb 2011  11:15  by Mickandkim

Gridref: SE 20604 65070   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Parked on verge and followed little path to cafe Good views all round but marked down for car park fee`s

Slightly damaged 21st Feb 2011  12:36  by THE SNAPPERS

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Visited Brimham Rocks whilst staying in Harrogate for a couple of days,walked up from Summerbridge,great walk on a snowy day,must be great views in summer.some strange rock formations to take in on the circular walk.

Good condition 12th Feb 2011  14:00  by dewdrop

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Positioned on boulder behind house, can't miss it. Replacement plug. Had to wait to climb up to it, first time I've had to queue for a trig! Fantastic views over Brimham rocks and beyond.

Not Logged 5th Feb 2011  10:11  by berticusdan

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 29th Jan 2011  00:00  by caroleengel

Gridref: SE 20603 65073   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Slightly damaged 7th Sep 2010  15:42  by Brunshaw

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Nice place Like jurassic park.

Not Logged 30th Aug 2010  12:12  by ourmark

Gridref: SE 20605 65069   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10


Slightly damaged 3rd Aug 2010  15:50  by wanderer

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Good condition 17th Jul 2010  16:00  by bluebeard

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

This has everything going for it if you want a nice family day out. If you are a lone bagger nipping in and out, £4 for 4 hours doesn't seem such a bargain. Parked on the verge of the road instead !!!

Slightly damaged 28th Jun 2010  15:40  by Managra

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Fantastic views. Tarmac plug


Slightly damaged 4th Jun 2010  11:35  by PC52

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10


Slightly damaged 8th Apr 2010  15:30  by trigofthedump

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

Fantastic location. Pillar weathered, plug filled with concrete.


Slightly damaged 26th Mar 2010  14:36  by bonatti

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Poor score mark, heavy precipitation.

The Column ©bonatti

Good condition 28th Feb 2010  11:12  by maverickapollo

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Quite quiet. Climed up to trig, slight erosion at the base and the trig itself, otherwise in good condition.


Slightly damaged 4th Jan 2010  12:05  by Mr T. P. Bagger

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

A gloriously sunny day with the snow lying thickly on the ground. By the looks of it however there must have been a pitched-battle taking place yesterday (Sunday) as large areas of snow were trampled into submission. Clearly the World, his granny and his dog must have been here. Today I had the place to myself.

Brimham Rocks trig point in the snow

Slightly damaged 30th Aug 2009  13:45  by BILLY COO

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Interesting place to visit.


Slightly damaged 16th Aug 2009  11:31  by rutson

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Found as YSM300 on 16/08/2009

Slightly damaged 17th Jun 2009  15:05  by ocean soul

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Miserable day en route to Scotland.Pillar perched on rocks behind visitor centre.OK views would imagine this to be a nice place in decent weather.

Slightly damaged 7th May 2009  14:06  by sjr

FB Number: 7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

easy bag

Slightly damaged 4th Apr 2009  12:04  by John Riley

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

What a great place to visit, and a lovely sunny April day too. How could you fail to find the trig standing proud above the visitor centre.

Brimham Rocks View of Visitor Centre with trig just behind to the right.
Brimham Rocks Looking past the trig over the roof of the Visitor Centre.
Brimham Rocks Looking up to the trig.
Brimham Rocks Top of the trig.
Brimham Rocks Flush bracket.

Good condition 4th Apr 2009  11:13  by bigtykedog

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Some interesting rocks

Slightly damaged 3rd Mar 2009  12:49  by arranc

Gridref: SE 20600 65100   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Slightly damaged 13th Feb 2009  11:50  by sweeners

Gridref: SE 20604 65074   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

A beautiful sunny day, Brimham Rocks looked great covered in snow.

Slightly damaged 31st Jan 2009  14:35  by Mr T. P. Bagger

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Passed through Brimham Rocks on a circular walk from Dacre Banks to Pateley Bridge and back. Normally an excellent viewpoint but today, while dry was very hazy with poor long-distance visibility.

Good condition 14th Dec 2008  12:00  by Sarah_Clough

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Not Logged 3rd Dec 2008  20:13  by melch

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 22nd Nov 2008  10:54  by wrose

Gridref: SE 20604 65060   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Very visible and easily accessible - close to the Visitor Centre at Brimham Rocks. The pillar almost looks to have sufferred from some of the weathering that has afflicted the nearby rocks.

S7894 Brimham Rocks Pillar and friend.
S7894 Brimham Rocks Flush bracket.
S7894 Brimham Rocks Plug.

Slightly damaged 26th Aug 2008  12:55  by Brisey

Gridref: SE 20602 65074   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

A geologically interesting area, with good views up at the pillar, but the nearby buildings spoil things a bit. There were plenty of visitors to the area, but with a lot of rocks around to scramble on, the pillar wasn't crowded.

TP1634 and me
TP1634 top

Slightly damaged 7th Aug 2008  17:45  by Bambography

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

A great location with excellent views over the rocks!

Slightly damaged 4th Aug 2008  12:30  by The Brat Pack

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Slightly damaged 4th Aug 2008  10:50  by Tizzie

Gridref: SE 20602 65070   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

A must do trig seeing as I was in the area for the Mega Event. Great views in an amazing place.

Good condition 2nd Aug 2008  17:39  by Scally and the Princess

Gridref: SE 20600 65000   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Slightly damaged 2nd Aug 2008  09:00  by The Moor We Hunt...

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

Fantastic view over the rock formations.

Not Logged 2nd Aug 2008  07:09  by stonefielders

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

visited with hundreds of others at the Geocaching Mega Event

Good condition 2nd Aug 2008  00:00  by Maple Leaf

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 10/10

Found whilst doing the nearby Earthcache & YOSM cache. In the area for the UK's First Mega Event.

Good condition 1st Aug 2008  14:46  by browni

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

This was another trig we bagged whilst getting nearby caches found.

Good condition 1st Aug 2008  13:00  by The Westies

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

A surprise find whilst searching out the nearby earthcache. Even more surprised to find out that it was also a YOSM cache. Re-logging as originally found as Maxiboo22 but consolidating all finds under the one account.

Good condition 29th Jul 2008  09:22  by Jaz666

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 10/10

Fantastic area.

Slightly damaged 24th Jul 2008  17:34  by splash

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Visited before an evening of climbing. Was hazy that evening and warm

Slightly damaged 9th Jun 2008  12:10  by Dusty

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Mrs Dusty & Trigpoint
Flush Bracket

Slightly damaged 9th Jun 2008  12:10  by brisboy&wife

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

In the company of Dusty.

Slightly damaged 30th Apr 2008  11:18  by Mr T. P. Bagger

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Second visit - this time NOT on a sunny afternoon but rather on an iffy morning. Therefore hardly anybody about - much better that way!

Slightly damaged 24th Feb 2008  12:56  by senrabyar

Gridref: SE 20604 65073   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 23rd Feb 2008  11:59  by Andrew hunt

Gridref: SE 20617 65077   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 4/10

Slightly damaged 3rd Feb 2008  12:19  by slateloose

Gridref: SE 20600 65000   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Slightly damaged 12th Nov 2007  11:00  by sleepwalker

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Wasn't going to pay at the car park so parked up the road then made my way across the moor.

Good condition 14th Oct 2007  12:18  by Haggis Hunter

Gridref: SE 20600 65075   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 10/10

What a fabulous place to visit. One of the best Trigs I have done in a long time. HH

Flush Bracket
Trigpoint 2 The black blob is a bird flying towards the camera.
Trigpoint with me ©Haggis Hunter

Damaged 16th Aug 2007  12:46  by sykesfamily

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Damaged  Score: 7/10

A summer visit with the boys. The last time I was here in January there was a blanket of snow.

Brimham Rocks Trig Charlie & Harvey©sykesfamily
Brimham Rocks Trig A view from the top!©sykesfamily

Damaged 20th May 2007  14:15  by Mr T. P. Bagger

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Damaged  Score: 8/10

Visited on a sunny Sunday afternoon - big mistake - everyone and his dog was there also. The views from the trig point, that is badly pitted, are superb but Joe Public enmasse reduces the score to 8.

Good condition 6th Apr 2007  15:44  by PhilPamAndRob

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Quite busy at Brimham rocks, but it was Easter Saturday!

Trig Pillar ©PhilPamAndRob
Trig Plaque ©PhilPamAndRob

Good condition 22nd Mar 2007  21:30  by Ben Jammin

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Great day out, the rocks are really fun.

Good condition 20th Feb 2007  11:32  by maverickapollo

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 24th Jan 2007  10:21  by sykesfamily

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Behind the visitor centre/shop at Brimham Rocks. Snowing gently and very pictureque.

Brimham Rocks Trig ©sykesfamily
Brimham Rocks Trig A long view©sykesfamily
Brimham Rocks Trig Approaching the trig from the visitor centre©sykesfamily
Brimham Rocks Flush Bracket ©sykesfamily

Slightly damaged 13th Dec 2006  12:00  by rowleybirkin

Gridref: SE 20603 65071   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

Our first venture North since joining the Trigpointing community. Visited this site previously - in sunshine, not like this time - in howling wind and rain. GPS reading the most-accurate to date here.

Slightly damaged 12th Aug 2006  20:30  by Bear and Ragged

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

Who Mr Craig Wilcock is, and why he feels the need to deface the FB with his name sticker... Worth the visit for the views!

©Bear and Ragged
©Bear and Ragged
©Bear and Ragged

Slightly damaged 19th Feb 2006  13:34  by Theo D Lite

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Not bad view from trig but house is in the way

Slightly damaged 19th Feb 2006  12:00  by peregrinus

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

concrete has pock-marked texture, asphalt plug. On gritstone outcrop at summit, nice view, fascinating place. NT - parking fee for non members

Good condition 3rd Feb 2006  12:00  by iainmac

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10


Good condition 28th Oct 2005  14:45  by dal

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Less crowded on a weekday of sunshine and showers. Rock formations give a vast amount of pleasure to all ages. If you want something quieter try the Bridestones off The Long Causeway near Burnley. Trig is a good viewpoint for the rock formations.


Good condition 14th May 2005  11:30  by rad

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Popular tourist spot, no cycling (sigh).

Brimham Rocks Pillar ©rad
Brimham Rocks Flush Bracket ©rad
Brimham Rocks View Menwith Hill ©rad
Brimham Rocks View South ©rad

Slightly damaged 18th Jun 2004  23:25  by Trigger

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 11th Apr 2004  14:45  by smiley dog

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

to crowded for me im off...........

Good condition 3rd Apr 2004  14:30  by ted

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

The '9' and '4' digits on the FB somewhat skew. Pouring with rain but a fascinating place to visit nonetheless.

Slightly damaged 23rd Mar 2004  14:54  by HEATHENS

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

Good condition 20th Feb 2004  22:59  by stonestreaker

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

no no --don't PAY!! go on a summer eve

Slightly damaged 20th Feb 2004  22:59  by stonestreaker

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

no no --don't PAY!! go on a summer eve

Slightly damaged 9th Feb 2004  11:00  by minstrelcat

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 10/10

Need to pay for parking to get to this trig. Rock formations are fantastic! Trig is rather weathered - considering what the weather has done to the rocks around here I'm not surprised!

Brimham Rocks Trig

Not Logged 7th Dec 2003  00:00  by ad-lib

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 21st Oct 2003  13:00  by MAC.HAWK

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 3/10

Absolutely awful. Think of your nearest city centre at 2pm on Saturday and you'll get some idea of what to expect here on a weekend - full of plastics visting 'the country' who (of course) have to drive to within 0.5 metres of the site - oh, and don't forget to visit the tea/sandwich/fast food bar to make your visit totally complete. Vastly over-rated - awful, awful, awful - guess what - I hated it. Pateley Bridge circular. No cars, on foot.

Slightly damaged 21st Oct 2003  13:00  by SUE-C

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Damaged 11th Sep 2002  15:25  by asteroth

Gridref: SE 20604 65070   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Damaged  Score: 10/10

Trig in what one would call a distressed state.Dunno if this is deliberate or not.The view ...well just stunning.The rocks look like something out of a roadrunner cartoon.

Not Logged 23rd Mar 2002  15:33  by manonabike

Gridref: SE 20600 65000   FB Number: S7894  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 23rd Nov 2001  15:07  by fasgadh

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

A few visits, either orienteering or just gawping at the amazing rock formations..

Slightly damaged 19th Mar 2000  00:00  by mickandshane

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Concrete very pockmarked.

Good condition 1st Apr 1999  08:34  by vegibagger

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

warm sunny visit to Brimham rocks

Slightly damaged 17th Aug 1996  00:00  by ngthack

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 20th Oct 1974  13:07  by Historian

FB Number: S7894  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Historic log.

Not Logged 1st Jan 1970  00:13  by Nicky Busby

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 7/10

©Nicky Busby

Not Logged 1st Jan 1970  00:00  by kieranjpmurphy

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 7/10

The TrigpointingUK database is owned and maintained by Ian Harris (Teasel). The TrigTools pages are provided by Barry Hunter. Contact us.