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TrigpointingUK - Trigpoint Logging System

Welcome! This site is designed for those people who are unable to walk past a trigpoint without bagging it! On these pages, you will find information about trigpointing, and be able to log your finds. We have a database containing the locations of most of the trigpoints in Great Britain, but if you find one that we don't know about, please add it to our database.

We hope you find TrigpointingUK both useful and fun. If you have any bugs to report / features to request, please contact us.

13/08/2022 - Disruption expected over the weekend as website is migrated to a new server

18/08/2022 - Issues with outbound emails (eg forum notifications) being rejected, investigating...

31/08/2022 - Apologies for disruption to service due to AWS account being hacked

A list of recent logs

2024-07-27Robert PhillipsGood condition TP5912Shannoch
  Good condition TP4146Keilour
  Moved TP2674Culdeesland
  Good condition TP6842Westmuir
  Good condition TP4150Keirwoodhead
  Good condition TP15513Dunning Church Tower Vane
  Good condition TP12309Blackford Church Spire
2024-07-26tomdev10Not Logged TP0316Butser
2024-07-26HimmyGood condition TP5970Shutlingsloe
2024-07-26Greenland21Not Logged TP3219Foel Trawsnant
  Not Logged TP3211Foel Fawr
2024-07-26Tea at the trigNot Logged TP3664Hatchet Moor
2024-07-26StewBNot Logged TP4697Mayland Lea Farm
2024-07-26tim747Good condition TP1082Batey Catreen
2024-07-26dharrisNot Logged TP5871Sellet Hall
  Not Logged TP4344Langcliffe
  Not Logged TP4069Hunter Bark
2024-07-26COVID Trig Point ChallengeGood condition TP25427St Georges Church Tower Flagstaff
  Good condition TP25582St Lawrence Church Tower
  Destroyed TP25438St Lawrence Laundry Chimney

All logs for the last four days...

All recently entered logs...

Quick Stats

Contributing users6032
Active users335(logged in last 30 days)
Total logs441562
Total photos376966
Total trigpoints25742
Logged trigpoints24760(whether found or not)
Known FB numbers7103
More details...

[T:UK Android App]
An app for Android phones is now available. Click or scan the image above to install.

[Trig Point Walks on the Isle of Skye and Raasay]
A book, written by Alistair Christie and Ian Stewart, detailing routes to all 56 Trig Points on the Isle of Skye and Raasay

The TrigpointingUK database is owned and maintained by Ian Harris (Teasel). The TrigTools pages are provided by Barry Hunter. Contact us.